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The Half

9:30 – 13:30 | 15:00 – 19:00

– Dinghy 7.20 meters;
– Snorkelling and relaxation equipment;
– Welcome with fresh seasonal fruit
– Tour of the marine protected area

A solution for those who prefer not to spend the whole day at sea.

-The morning is perfect for those who want to avoid the hottest hours and take advantage of the least busy moment of the day.

– The afternoon is suitable for those who like to get up slowly, prefer intense sunshine and, for once, avoid the crowds on the beaches.

For the half day there are two stops for swimming.

Half day

9:30 – 13:30 or 15:00 – 19:00

Duration: 4 hours

(FUEL INCLUDED, children under 12 enjoy a 10% discount. Children under 3 are free)

(MAX 8 passengers)

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Escursioni in Barca in Sardegna | Sealives
Escursioni in Barca in Sardegna | Sealives
Escursioni in Barca in Sardegna | Sealives

Reservations are accepted from 9 am to 10 pm

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